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eadg_56 67/M
Standard Member
Carrum Downs, Victoria, Australia
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Last Visit: More than 3 months

More About eadg_56

I am still , actively continuing life's journey.I guess it all started after reading "the story of O"... Although BDSM is not all about sex, I find alt one of the best forms of self expression. One of our main motivations is sex and the desire for it. To use sexual desire and/or preference as a part of defining yourself is a natural process. It should be looked upon with acceptance rather ridicule. Unfortunately, in Australia we seem to be part of an increasing puritanical society where a narrow view of what is normal is used to criticize that which is not understood. As the Kinsey report found “normal” has a broad range. We “all” experiment at some stage in life. It’s how we learn. To me it’s all simply a journey and as part of that journey there are practices and activities you may enjoy or not. Just as some follow a sporting team where others don’t see the need, we are different. I refuse to criticize others for wanting only vanilla or wanting only to bind or be bound. How can you explain to someone who doesn’t share your preferences the thrill and excitement as your hand connects with the arse of your sub, or the exhilaration and beauty when you look into the eyes of your sub and see total submission given willingly? As long as all parties are consenting adults and enter without intimidation or coercion then, to quote my Gallic ancestry “vive la difference”.